Chairman welcome note
Dear ICBHI 2022 participants,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Concepción, Chile, to the 5th International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (ICBHI 2022).
We expect ICBHI 2022 will be an opportunity to exchange ideas, experiences and lessons learned after being hit with the worst pandemic in the last century. Biomedical informatics has definitively played a key role on different fronts, from medical care to contact tracing.
As usual, we will have a scientific challenge competition. The best teams are encouraged to present their findings at our conference, where we will be presenting awards to the first 2 places. This year, we will work on BCG signals. We invite you to check our challenge description in this website.
Concepción, founded in 1550, is the second largest city in Chile and is in the geographic center of the country. It is home to 13 universities and provides many cultural and historic landmarks that we would like to share with you. We hope you can join us in-person or remotely, as this will be a hybrid event.
I would like to thank the IFMBE Working Group on Health Informatics and eHealth, the Asociación Chilena de Informática en Salud (ACHISA), and our conference committee for the excellent work and expertise shared to the organization of ICBHI 2022.
Enjoy your stay with us.
Esteban Pino Quiroga
ICBHI 2022 Chair
Universidad de Concepción
Best Paper Award to Students
ICBHI 2022 will offer THREE Oral Presentation and THREE Poster Presentation Awards to student authors (NOT including post-doc) who are the first author and presenting in person in the Student Competition.
If you would like to attend the competition, please choose the track: “Student Competition” to register and follow the paper submission rules.
Young Investigator Travel Grant
ICBHI 2022 will offer FIVE best young investigator travel grants of 400 EUR to the best papers submitted as first author, under 45-year-old, and registering to the conference and presenting in person in the Young Investigator Competition at ICBHI 2022.
If you would like to attend the competition, please choose the track: “Young Investigator Competition” to register and follow the paper submission rules.
Scientific Challenge on Ballistocardiogram Processing Best Paper Award
ICBHI 2022 will offer TWO Best Paper Awards to participants in the Scientific Challenge Competition, and each paper will be awarded EUR 500.
If you would like to attend the competition, please visit
Conference Venue
MDS Hotel Concepción
Address: Calle A 809 Brisa del Sol, Concepción, Bío Bío.
Co-sponsored by

The International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE)

Asociación Chilena de Informática en Salud (ACHISA)
Co-organized by:

Universidad de Concepción

Centro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial

Concepción Convention Bureau (CCB)
Centro Nacional en Sistemas de Información en Salud
Centro de Ingeniería para la Vida
Consejo Regional de Ingeniería Biomédica para América Latina
Important Dates
- Abstract submission (1-2 page): September 25, 2022
- Paper acceptance notification:
October 10, 2022 - Full length papers submission (4 pages):
November 4, 2022
- Early registration by: October 28, 2022
- The conference starts: November 24, 2022
For Scientific Challenge
- Dataset Open Test (Phase I deadline) :
July 22, 2022 - Abstract submission for SC:
September 8, 2022 - Full paper submission:
September 22, 2022 - Notification of acceptance:
September 29, 2022